Desain Cold Insulation dan Analisis Tegangan pada Pipa Outlet Cold Box menuju Inlet Residual Liquid Evaporator
Line L-31-200-1SsA with a temperature of -196 C and a pressure of 0.9 Mpa is a piping
system that drains remaining fluid from the cold box goes to the remaining evaporator liquid. On this
path the calculations are carried out insulation a pipe using 3 different alternative materials for get a
charming design that is optimal in maintaining a constant temperature constant. It is necessary to
calculate heat loss and downsteam temperature. This line is included in critical line so stress analysis
must be carried out with the help of software. Based on The calculation results show that cellular glass
insulating material has value The smallest heat loss is 204.8 W and the downsteam temperature is 84
K. Based on stress analysis software modeling, the continuous load value is the largest is 76782.4 Kpa
with a ratio of 66.2%, the expansion load value is 48375.1 Kpa with a ratio of 89.1%, and an occasional
load value of 73422.5 Kpa with a ratio 26.9%. It concluded that the stress value does not exceed the
allowable limit stress based on ASME B31.3.