Analisis Tegangaan Sistem Perpipaan Jalur Effluent Line di Lawe-Lawe Terminal

  • Angga Pratama Suprayogi
  • Adi Wirawan Husodo
  • Lely Pramesti
Keywords: Analysis, Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, Min. Wall thickness, Allowable Pipe Span, Stress Analysis


Based on the standard that has been set by the owner to replace the material and also change the
layout from underground to aboveground on the pipe effluent line from the pig reciever area to the WWTP area
Because that, contractor are required to carry out re-analysis of the change of layout and replacement of the
material against max. allowable working pressure, min. wall thickness, the calculation of allowable pipe span
to determine the amount and type of support appropriate and stress analysis using software and manual
calculation. The value of the maximum allowable working pressure on the effluent line is still above the design
pressure. For the minimum wall thickness resulting from the material change on the effluent line line is still
below the minimum thicker value of the ASTM A53 Gr.B pipe material. And the highest values of sustained load
(L6) and thermal expansion loads (L8) are at node 318 and also node 140, both load cases are still below
allowable stress, the design of the existing piping system can be accepted according to ASME code B31.3.
