Analisa Tegangan Jalur perpipaan Outlet Scrubber menuju Compressor dengan Penambahan Expansion Loop Analisa Tegangan dengan Penambahan Expansion Loop

  • Novario Cahya Pradana Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Pekik Mahardhika Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Ni’matut Tamimah Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Stress analysis, Expansion Loop, Re-design, pipe


In the execution of construction projects, various issues arise, one of which is stress
analysis. Stress analysis of pipes is crucial before their installation to ensure the safety of the pipeline
when high-pressure or low-pressure fluids flow through it, preventing leaks or deformation. In the
case study of the project delivery for the offshore FPSO time charter, specifically in the design of the
outlet pipeline for the 1st stage gas lift suction scrubber, the addition of an expansion loop before
reaching the 1st gas lift compressor package is necessary. This is due to clashes with the module
structure and the pipeline being a critical line containing high-pressure steam to be distributed to the
compressor. Therefore, the
pipeline must be redesigned and stress analysis performed with the addition of an expansion loop.
This analysis begins with calculating the allowable pipe span and pipe flexibility, followed by
redesigning the isometric drawings with the added expansion loop. Stress analysis then reveals that
the stress values for both the horizontal and vertical loop designs are within the allowable stress
limits based on ASME B31.3.
