Analisis Tegangan pada Line 086-VD-1001-34”-1SA0K-NI Akibat Penambahan Add On Gate Valve (AOGV)

  • Mohammad Ibnu Bahrul Ilmi Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Pekik Mahardika Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Mahasin Maulana Ahmad Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Alowable pipe span, Stress analysis, Nozzle load, Spring Support


An oil and gas company in West Papua will perform shutdown maintenance in the TAR-8 area with a knock-out drum to flare piping system due to the addition of a gate valve. The main objectives are to determine the allowable pipe span, stress analysis, and evaluate the nozzle load on the flare. The methods used are stress analysis based on ASME B31.3 and flare nozzle load evaluation using API 537. Calculating the allowable pipe span on the drum to flare knock-out line resulted in a value of 84.423 ft. The results of stress analysis due to the addition of add on Gate Valve for the maximum allowable stress value due to sustained load 3565.3 lb/in2, due to occasional load 2842.7 lb/in2, and due to thermal load 10394.8 lb/in2 have met the ASME B31.3 permit limit. The flare nozzle analysis results have met the load permits based on API 537. In conclusion, the new design of the knock-out drum to flare piping system with the addition of an add-on gate valve is considered safe to operate and meets applicable industry standards. This research provides a practical solution for piping system maintenance without operational disruption, highlighting the importance of technical analysis in ensuring the safety and efficiency of energy infrastructure.
