Analisis Tegangan Sistem Bypass Pada Line V-4886-LMP-C8JA0-8”

  • Amirul Fikri Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Adi Wirawan Husodo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Ni'matut Tamimah Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Allowable Span, Sustained load, Thermal load


The V-4886-LMP-C8JA0-8 piping system with a temperature of 229 ?C and a pressure of
2260 kPa is a boiler steam header piping system. This line temperature and pressure values and is
included in the critical line, it is necessary to carry out stress analysis based on ASME B31.1. The
calculated stress analysis are sustained load and thermal load stress. The calculation results of the
allowable pipe span are 33,507 ft. Based on stress analysis software modeling, the largest sustained
load value is 34295.1 kPa with a ratio of 29.1%. and the largest thermal load value is 9462.6 kPa with
a ratio of 3.6%. it can be concluded that the stress value does not exceed the allowable stress limit
based on ASME B31.1.
