Analisis Teknis dan Ekonomis Metode Instalasi Highway Pipeline Crossing Jaringan Pipa PDAM

  • Alhikmal Adam Wiguna Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Pekik Mahardhika Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Heroe Poernomo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Burried Pipe, Effective Stress, Pipeline Crossing, Stress analaysis


The clean water pipeline project in the Special Economic Zone (KEK) JIIPE, Gresik, Indonesia, utilizes SNI Medium material pipes with a size of 600 mm equivalent to 24-inch Sch 20 pipes. The pipeline is planned to cross a highway for a length of 17 meters. To avoid pipe damage that could lead to losses, API Standard 1102 regulates special treatment by using protection or installing the pipe at a minimum depth of 1200 mm measured from the surface to the top of the pipe. This study will analyze the pipeline crossing method using both uncased pipe and cased pipe installation methods technically based on API 1102 and ASME B31.4, as well as an economic analysis. After conducting both technical and economic analyses, it can be recommended to use the uncased carrier pipe model due to its stress values being within the allowable limits and the more affordable installation costs.
