Analisis Tegangan dan Frekuensi Alami pada Penambahan Line Suction dan Discharge Centrifugal Pump P-004 GS2

  • M Arief Irkhamni Ramadhan Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Adi Wirawan Husodo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Eko Julianto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Pipe span, Cut-off frequency, Natural frequency, Stress analysis, Nozzle load


The addition of a new pump at the GS2 crude oil production facility, Northern Area ONWJ
(Zone 10), requires static and dynamic analysis of the pump's suction and discharge lines using stress
analysis software, as these lines are classified as critical. This study includes calculations of
allowable pipe span, cut-off frequency, natural frequency, pipe stress, displacement, and nozzle load.
Allowable pipe span calculations are based on stress and deflection limits, while cut-off frequency
values are used as inputs for modal analysis to determine the natural frequency of the piping system.
Stress analysis is performed for sustained, thermal expansion, and occasional loads according to
ASME B31.3 limits. Displacement analysis adheres to company limits, with a maximum allowable
displacement of 19 mm. Nozzle load analysis is conducted per API 610 limits. Initial results indicate
that the natural frequency of the piping system is below the company's minimum requirement of 5 Hz,
with values of 2,467 Hz for the suction line and 0,788 Hz for the discharge line. Repositioning of
supports is required, and after adjustments, the natural frequency, pipe stress, displacement, and
pump nozzle load meet specified limits. The piping system design after support repositioning is
deemed safe for operation.
