Desain dan PemodelanDiesel Fuel Storage Tank Kapasitas 2.500 KL

  • Fikriy Septian Saputra Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Budi Prasojo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Dianita Wardani Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Analysis, deformsi, minimum thickness, storage tank, von mises


One company in Port Kelanis, Central Kalimantan plans to increase the capacity of a
diesel fuel storage tank to 2,500 KL using ASTM 283 grade C carbon steel material. The tank design
adheres to the API 650 13th edition, 2020 standard, including minimum thickness calculations for the
shell, bottom, annular bottom, roof, manhole, and nozzles. Indonesian National Standard (SNI) is
utilized for seismic and wind load calculations. The modeling is done using Pemodelansoftware, and
Finite Element Method analysis is performed using Ansys software. According to the one foot method
calculations, the minimum thickness for course 1 is 10 mm, courses 2-3 are 8 mm, and courses 4-7
are 6 mm. The minimum plate thickness for the bottom, annular bottom, and roof is 8 mm. In 3D
modeling using modeling software, there are several designs for storage tank parts starting from the
bottom plate, annular bottom plate, shell and roof. Furthermore, this modeling can be used to
simulate stress analysis in analysis software to determine Von Mises and deformation values.
