Sistem Kontrol Suhu dan Debit Air pada Mesin Pencetak Bushing Baterai menggunakan Kontroler PID
The quality of battery bushings is significantly affected by the performance of the molding
machine, which faces issues such as temperature instability in the middle mold and water flow
instability in the cooling system during disturbances. These issues result in a maximum temperature
overshoot of 10.5? with on-off heater control and water flow instability due to the use of a manual
valve. To improve product quality and reduce defects, ongoing research focuses on maintaining
temperature stability and consistent water flow in the cooling system. This project applies a PID
control system to the middle mold heater using the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method and a PID
Modulating Control Valve (MCV) for the cooling system, utilizing system identification and manual
tuning in MATLAB. The PID heater control parameters are Kp = 4.35, Ki = 0.0090625, and Kd = 522,
achieving a stable temperature at 40.3? with a rise time of 1231 seconds, maximum overshoot of
3.8?, settling time of 1351 seconds, and steady-state error of 1.43%. The PID MCV control
simulation results in Kp = 5, Ki = 0, Kd = 0.25, stabilizing water flow with a maximum overshoot of
0.04 L/min, settling time of 3 seconds, and a steady-state error of 2%.