Fabrikasi dan Instalasi Pipa Air Panas di Laboratorium Plumbing Gedung J Lantai 7 Poloteknik perkapalan Negeri Surabaya

  • Muflih Ramadhan Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Pranowo Sidi Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Benedicta Dian Alfanda Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Fabrication, Installation, Thermal Water Pipe, Pipe PP-R, Cost Budget Plan


In the process of enhancing the learning experience for students of the D-IV Piping
Engineering Study Program at the Surabaya State Shipbuilding Polytechnic (PPNS), the construction
of an integrated Plumbing Laboratory is planned. The development of the Plumbing Laboratory will
support hot water simulations that adhere to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and use
Polypropylene Random (PP-R) pipe materials. The water supply to be used in the Plumbing
Laboratory flows from the upper tank to the water heater and is distributed to 5 shower cubicles. The
water heater required to supply hot water to the 5 shower cubicles is an electrical water heater with a
capacity of 20 liters. The pipe installation includes DN 20 mm or ½” inch with a total length of 22.12
meters. The total cost needed for the fabrication and installation of hot water pipes in the Plumbing
Laboratory, Building J, 7
floor of PPNS is Rp. 4,481,550. After temperature measurements were
taken using a digital thermometer, the highest temperature at the shower faucet outlet was found to be
51.3°C, and the lowest temperature at the shower hose outlet was 48.7°C. The temperature change
does not exceed 10°C, in accordance with SNI 03-6481 2000.
