Analisis Stabilitas Starch Slurry Storage Tank Kapasitas 1750 m3 terhadap Beban Angin dan Beban Gempa

  • Farhanul Ahmad Fauzan Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Budi Prasojo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Mahasin Maulana Ahmad Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: anchorage, API 650, seismic load, storage tank, wind load


The growth of the food and beverage industry in Indonesia is expected to increase post-COVID-19.
This leads to an increased demand for corn flour, which often has to be imported from the international
market. This increase in demand prompted a company in the Pasuruan area, East Java, to build a wet corn
processing plant that requires several storage tanks. In this research, the design and modeling of storage
tanks follow the API 650 Thirteenth Edition 2020 standard, aiming to determine the stability and use of
anchorage in storage tanks. Calculation of storage tank stability against wind load, the resulting moment
value of 6,673.18 N.m is smaller than 546,419,298.91 N.m (Wind + Internal Pressure < Tank Weight). For
the calculation of the overtuning moment against seismic load, the anchorage ratio criterion of 0.793 is
greater than 0.785 and smaller than 1.54 (0.785 < 0.793 ? 1.54). So based on API 650 standard, the criterion
is considered stable and without the use of anchorage.
