Analisis Perhitungan Max Allowable Span Dan Nilai Fleksibilitas Pada Pipa Inlet Dan Outlet FAME Tank

  • Ade Rafi’i Rizqillah Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Ekky Nur Budiyanto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Mahasin Maulana Ahmad Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Design piping, Pipe Inlet, Pipe Outlet


Carbon Steel ASTM A 106 Grade B with a temperature of 392 oF
and a pressure of 145,04 psi. This study aims to calculate the design of the inlet and outlet
pipes, because this line is a new line and requires a calculation for the maximum allowable
pipe span for determining the placement of pipe supports, obtained the results of
calculation and analysis, the results of the calculation of the maximum allowable pipe span
on the inlet pipe of 27.690 ft while on the outlet pipe of 33.050 ft. Then the calculation of
the flexibility value is carried out to ensure that the pipe design can be said to be flexible
and from the results of the flexibility calculation analysis on the inlet pipe line, it obtained
0.000004 and on the outlet pipe 0.000006. This value is still below the K1 provisions, so
that the pipeline can be declared flexible and safe.
