Desain Sistem Jumperline Jalur Heavy Virgin Naptha.

  • Fandi Ari Maulana Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Ekky Nur Budiyanto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Tarikh Azis Ramadani Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Sistem Jumperline, Head, Daya Pompa, Estimasi Biaya, Allowable Stress ASME B31.3.


In the oil refinery industry, a piping system with a temperature of 160 °C and a pressure of
6.41 kg/cm2 serves as the design specification for a Jumperline system in a revamp project. This
project aims to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the Heavy Naphtha Treatment Unit by adding
a bypass Jumperline to address the pump 201-P-002's pressure efficiency drop below 6.41 kg/cm2 due
to increased capacity in the Heavy Naphtha Prefractination area. The tie-in to the existing NHT line
includes the addition of the Jumperline system. Manual calculations and software analysis yielded a
head loss of 5.55 m - 5.69 m with an error percentage of 2.64%, and a pump head of 35.80 m - 36.265
m with a pump head error percentage of 1.29%. with design basis of ASME B31.3.
