Perancangan Sistem Perpipaan Pemadam Kebakaran Pada Pabrik Kain Menggunakan Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing System

  • Sayid Dafa Jabbar Umari Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Ekky Nur Budiyanto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Rina Sandora Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Fire extinguisher, NFPA 12, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon pipe


The fabric factory construction project in Purwakarta Regency is part of the factory's
expansion. Currently, the factory does not have an effective fire extinguishing system and is only
equipped with portable fire extinguishers. CO2 extinguishers were chosen because of their
effectiveness against class B and C fires. The design process requires the calculation of CO2
requirements, flow rates in the system, 3D and isometric designs that are based on NFPA 12 and
FIKE. Based on the calculations carried out, the total CO2 extinguishing media requirement is
29,831.9 kg. Based on the calculation, the CO2 flow rate value for each elevation is as follows: 0 m
elevation of 2088.76 kg CO2/minute, 8 m elevation of 1566.57 kg CO2/minute, 14 m elevation of
1462.13 kg CO2/minute, 19 m elevation of 887.72 kg CO2/minute, 23 m elevation of 635.71 kg
CO2/minute, and 23 m elevation of 1075 kg CO2/minute. The design of the discharge nozzle
placement, 3D drawings, and isometric drawings for the CO2 extinguishing system were made using
AutoCAD software. the pipe material used is 3" and 2" carbon steel, and the nozzle is 3?4". The
selection of these materials and sizes is based on standards and technical needs to ensure the
effectiveness of the extinguishing system.
