Re-Desain Penambahan Expansion Loop pada Pipa Proses Distribusi Steam Low Pressure di Perusahaan Serat Kain
A textile fiber production company located in Purwakarta, West Java, experienced issues
with a 206-meter-long, 8-inch diameter pipeline (540-3-206-023-200-0150ABD12-H) that transports
low-pressure steam at 152°C. A displacement of 80 mm was observed in the support structure, which
exceeded the contractor-specified displacement tolerance of +/- 60 mm. This issue prompted a
redesign involving stress and displacement calculations using Pipe Stress Analysis software. The
redesign introduced horizontal and vertical expansion loops. Analysis revealed that the horizontal
loop design resulted in maximum sustained load stress of 2881.9 psi and thermal load stress of
13780.2 psi, while the vertical loop design produced maximum sustained load stress of 4130.7 psi and
thermal load stress of 15257.5 psi. Both designs maintained stress levels within the permissible limits
of ASME B31.1, ensuring system safety. The horizontal loop design exhibited a displacement of
12.358 mm, whereas the vertical loop showed 18.705 mm.