Kalkulasi Kurva S Kinerja Proyek Perpipaan dengan Perhitungan Komputer

  • Jovial Wicaksono Putro PT. Adhi Karya
  • R. Dimas Endro Witjonarko Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Wibowo Arninputranto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: S Curve, Project Management, VBA


Abstract - Within the scope of a pipeline project, data management is an activity that is very important
and is often carried out. In the design phase of the piping project, technicians use AutoCAD Plant 3D as
a media drawing or depiction of the piping system design being worked on. AutoCAD Plant 3D makes it
easy to design and use items, equipment, and the materials used are available in options so that the bill
of materials is calculated automatically. Then after the design stage, there is the stage of preparing
schedules and work activities after the design activities are carried out. The arrangement of schedules
and work activities can be represented by the S-Curve. For contractors who handle many projects, with
the condition of the amount of data that must be managed in the presentation of work schedules and
activities on the S-Curve, it takes more and less efficient time for manual management. For this reason,
project contractors need an automated solution for managing activity data and preparing schedules.
Therefore, with the Visual Basic application, an automatic program is created for preparing schedules
that are represented by the S curve
