Evaluasi Nilai Tegangan Underground Pipeline for Fuel Hydrant System pada DPPU

  • Gemah Zentrinda Adam Politeknik Perkapalan Surabaya
  • Raden Dimas Endro Witjonarko Politeknik Perkapalan Surabaya
  • Rina Sandora Politeknik Perkapalan Surabaya
Keywords: underground pipeline, stress analysis, jet-a1


Abstract - The Fuel Hydrant System is applied as an airplane fuel distribution system by flowing fuel from the existing storage tank at the Airplane Refueling Station to each airplane parking area. Most of construction of DPPU fuel hydrant system considered as underground pipeline. The pipeline is designed at temperature 140°F, using 16” NPS, API 5L Grade B schedule STD to flow Jet-A1 fluid. Line number 31-16"-JA-AU-201 and 32-16"-JA-AU-201 are considered as critical based on company criteria. Refer to critical line document based on pipe diameter and fluid temperature inflowing, those of two lines are categorized on grade B critical line. Stress values on those two lines are become object to be analized in this research. Pipe stress analysis carried out using stress analysis software and the accepted values of allowable stress are taken using ASME B31.4 standard. The results of this study indicate that the highest operating loading stress value for those two lines is 1165,2 kg/cm², the highest sustain loading value is 277,2 kg/cm², the highest occasional loading value is 277,2 kg/cm², and the highest thermal expansion loading value is 1098,9 kg/cm². The simulation stress values obtained on four load cases are not exceeded the ASME B31.4 standard accepted value. It can be concluded that those critical two lines of DPPU fuel hydrant system are considered safe
