Analisa Tegangan dan Alternatif Desain Insulasi Pipa dari Tie-in Point Existing menuju Mist Eliminator Vessel

  • Hizamul Fikry PT. Korindo Konstruksi
  • Adi Wirawan Husodo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Dianita Wardani Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: downstream temperature, heatloss, insulation, sustained load, thermal load


Abstract - The LBB10-BR001-16”-AA-H piping system with a temperature of 217 ? and a pressure of 1090
KPa is a piping system from the existing pipe to the mist eliminator vessel with steam fluid. In this line, a re-calculation of the 65 mm thick pipe insulation design was carried out using 3 different alternative materials to
obtain an optimal insulation design to maintain temperature. Therefore it is necessary to calculate the heat
loss and downstream temperature. The LBB10-BR001-16”-AA-H it has high temperature and pressure values,
therefore it is necessary to do a stress analysis based on ASME B31.1 using software assistance. based on the
calculation results, it was found that the rockwool material has the smallest value of 6230.137 W and a
downstream temperature of 480.59 ?K . Based on software modeling, the largest stress due to sustained load
value is 55 MPa with a ratio of 46.65%. and the largest stress due to thermal load value is 166,79 MPa with a
ratio of 94.31%. It can be concluded that the stress value does not exceed the allowable stress limit based on
ASME B31.1
