Analisis Tegangan pada Line Discharge Akibat Penambahan Pompa Crude Oil

  • Daryono . Politeknik Negeri Pontianak
  • Dhani Kusuma Putra
  • Adi Wirawan Husodo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Dianita Wardani Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Sustained Load, Thermal Load, Pump, Operating Mode, Nozzle Load


On the discharge line of the P-103A pump which flows crude oil fluid, a fabrication process will be carried out to add P-103B pump equipment and is a critical line, so it is necessary to re-analyze the stress values in the piping system. Stress analysis calculations are performed on the line number PL-9808-A-8” using modeling 3D software. The calculated stress analysis is the sustained load stress and thermal load. The results of the stress analysis calculation using the software obtained the highest sustained load stress value of 2416.4 lb/in2 and the highest thermal load stress value of 2514.1 lb/in2. The value of the two stresses does not exceed the allowable stress. The values of these two stresses do not exceed the allowable stress limit of ASME B31.3 standard. The greatest value of the force and moment of the nozzle load is obtained at the design conditions. The resultant value of the force and moment of the P-103A pump nozzle is 1761 N and 1010 N/m, then the P-103B pump nozzle value of the resultant force and moment is 1610 N and 624 N/m which are still below the allowable limit of the API 610 standard, so the pump is safe to operate under various conditions. So, it can be concluded that the line discharge piping system due to the addition of pumping equipment is safe for fabrication.

