Desain dan Analisis Kekuatan Fatty Alcohol Storage Tank Kapasitas 1.500Kl
Abstract - A company in Gresik plans to build 6 fatty alcohol tanks with a capacity of 1,500 kL using A283 Gr C carbon steel material. The standard in this design is API 650 13th edition, 2020, which includes calculating the minimum plate thickness on the shell, roof, bottom, annular bottom, manhole, and nozzle. AWS D1.1 to determine groove dimensions and SNI for wind load calculations. Based on calculations using the one foot method the minimum plate thickness in course 1-3 uses 8 mm plate thickness and courses 4-10 uses 6 mm. The minimum plate thickness at the bottom, annular bottom, and roof is 8 mm. Modeling and analysis with Fusion 360 software. Based on Manual calculation of the fluid load was taken on courses 1 and 4 due to differences in plate thickness with von Mises values of 93.62 MPa and 81.56 MPa with deformations of 2.702 mm and 2.564 mm. The result of simulating in Fusion 360 against wind and fluid loads, the von Mises and deformation value is 126.5 MPa and 2.702 mm.