Kajian Numerik Terhadap Pola Aliran Upward Push-Pull Air Curtain dengan Rasio Kecepatan 8 dan 10 untuk Mencegah Penularan Covid-19 pada Pekerja Pabrik Manufaktur

  • Ravlyn Nautcya Rivaldy Politeknik Perkapalan Surabaya
  • Burniadi Moballa Politeknik Perkapalan Surabaya
  • Ni’Matut Tamimah Politeknik Perkapalan Surabaya
Keywords: syngas, damage mechanism, inspection, risk analysis


AbstractCOVID-19 continues to spread globally, including in Indonesia. One of the contributing factors to the increasing number of positive COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is the transmission within industrial clusters. Maintaining a minimum distance of 1 to 2 meters between workers is challenging due to the constraints imposed by the industry's work systems, space, and layout. Consequently, there is a need for a mechanism to safeguard industrial workers from potential COVID-19 exposure. The air-curtain technology emerges as a promising solution with significant potential for application. In this study, the focus is on the push-pull air curtain, which incorporates push-pull ventilation to protect employees from inhaling microdroplets. The study assesses the capability of push-pull ventilation to withstand droplet bursts at two velocity ratios: 8 and 10. To investigate this, a simulation was conducted using Salome's, Open FOAM , Para view tools, and Jupiter Notebook. The simulation results demonstrate that a velocity ratio of 8 effectively resists droplet bursts, with only 0.007 percent of droplets able to penetrate the system. Meanwhile, the ratio of 10 showed a slightly lower effectiveness, with 0.05 percent of droplets penetrating the system. These findings highlight the potential of the push-pull air curtain technology in mitigating COVID-19 transmission risks in industrial settings.

