Analisis Kinerja Perpindahan Panas Fluida Perantara untuk Intermediate Fluid Vaporizer pada Sistem Regasifikasi Gas Alam Cair
Abstract - PLTGU fuel was originally from high-speed diesel fuel to LNG. For this reason, a regasification system is needed to support this process. For this reason, a regasification terminal is needed to facilitate the process. In procuring a small-scale floating Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) regasification terminal, a regasification tool with a relatively small size but good performance is required. Intermediate Fluid Vaporizer (IFV) as a regasification tool is very suitable to be used because when compared to other types of regasification equipment, IFV has the simplest structure and shape and relatively small size, as well as its performance, is quite good in the regasification process. IFV uses an intermediate fluid for the LNG evaporation process to the gas phase. The type of medium fluid that is widely used in IFV today is Propane. However, the use of Propane still has several risks, one of which is fire. With these problems, research was made to replace Propane with a more adequate fluid. The analysis was carried out using the Aspen Hysys software to get the working pressure, then for the numerical simulation using the OpenFoam software. The selected fluid must have good heat transfer performance. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that overall both from the value of heat transfer area, heat transfer coefficient, working pressure, and in terms of environmental friendliness, the intermediary fluid substitute for propane has the highest value according to the Intermediate Fluid Scoring is R-500. R-500 is suitable to replace propane as an intermediate fluid.