Analisis Tegangan pada Jalur Discharge Pompa Upgrade Sistem Hydrant Tanki Amonia 9000 MT
Abstract – In planning the process of upgrading ammonia tank hydrant system 25-TK-801 there is a path that passes through pump discharge. The two pumps are the main pump and the jockey pump. The pump line is a critical line, so it needs to be analyzed. Stress analysis was carried out on 4 pipelines with line numbers 100-FW-A2-a-9006, 200-FW-A2-a-9004, 200-FW-A2-a-9005 and 200-FW-A2-a-9007. Stress analysis using sustained, occasional and thermal loadi based on ASME B31.3. The allowable pipe span calculation takes from the smallest value between the minimum distance based on the stress limit and the deflection limit. The calculation results of allowable pipe span can be accepted because the amount of support meets the minimum required amount. The calculation of flexibility has a value less than K1 which is 0.000692, so the path is declared flexible. The highest stress values at line numbers 100-FW-A2-a-9006, 200-FW-A2-a-9004, 200-FW-A2-a-9005 and 200-FW-A2-a-9007 for a sustained load 3157.1 psi, occasional load 19711 psi and thermal load 1420.6 psi. The stress values for three load cases do not exceed the allowable stresses. Based on the operation of the pump, the stress value still below the allowable value, so that the operation of the pump can be carried out on both pumps or the main pump only. For the noozle load value is still below the allowable noozle load value, so the design made and connected to pump discharge nozzle is declared safe.