Analisa Pemodelan Matematis dari Proses Pemasangan Pipa MDPE dan Nilai Pulling Load saat Proses Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
Abstrak - PT. PGAS Solution acts as a service provider contractor who has been appointed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia (Energy and Mineral Resources), through the DITJEN MIGAS (Directorate General of Oil and Gas) as the owner of the natural gas network distribution system project or the so called (jargas). One of the supporting facilities for this project is a pipeline network. In the pipeline routing process, the design to be constructed requires a 143 m long pipeline crossing the Balong Gabus river, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency. The pipe material used in this project is PE (Pholyethelene) pipe of the MDPE (Medium Density Pholyethelene) type with an outside diameter of 125 mm / 5 inches. In resolving these conditions, it has been decided to take the HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling) method. Based on the results and discussion, a mathematical drawing is determined by making a free body diagram in determining the forces that occur during the drawing process. The total pulling load value is 23787.70 lb or 105.81 kN compared to the maximum allowable pulling force of the material capability of 139075.4 lb and the machine capacity which has a value of 177.90 kN