Analisa Tegangan Dua Jalur Pipa dari Boiler menuju High Pressure Steam Header(HPSH) berdasarkan ASME B31.1 Menggunakan Software Pipe Stress Analysis

  • M. Dikcky Tri R. Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • George Endri Kusuma Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Pekik Mahardhika Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Displacement, expansion, expansion loop, high steam, pipe stress analysis software, pipe support


Steam is used to generate electricity in industrial. Steam is distributed using piping system which
has high temperature induces expansion due to expansion load. The way to resolve is installing expansion
loop. The early design didn’t have any expansion loop on two lines from boiler to High Pressure Steam Header
(HPSH). In designing expansion loop, must consider displacement value in order to minimize expansion and
overstress. The used methodology in designing expansion loop is measuring dimension and quantity of
expansion loop, and type selection and position of support, and then value of stress will be evaluated according
appropriate standard. In this research, there 3 alternative design of expansion loop on each line which is used
to analyze stress and getting optimum design in all conditios. Software of Pipe Stress Analysis Integraph is
used to analyze the stress in technical aspect. The result of 3 alternative design shows that stress value due to
sustain load, thermal load, and occasional load are under allowable stress according to ASME B31.1. The
optimum design of expansion loop on line S45 12.100.01 needs 8 expansion loops and line S45 12.100.02
needs 7 expansion loops.
