Analisa Tegangan Pipa Pada Sistem Jacking Oil Pump di Proyek PLTU 2X1000 MW

  • Shinta Murti Kasmiarno Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Heroe Poernomo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Ekky Nur Budiyanto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Lubricating oil, Jacking Oil pump, Support, Discharge, Drain Guard


Lubricating Oil is a system that functions as a lubricant in the turbine system to prevent friction so as not to cause wear on the turbine. In this system there is a Jacking Oil Pump pipe which serves to lift the turbine shaft when the turbine will be rotated while providing lubrication to the turbine bearings. On the oil output line, a redesign of the support in the Jacking Oil Pump pipeline is carried out. The pipeline supplies oil to the discharge pipe from the main pipe (Drain Guard), which has a maximum pressure of 17.8 MPa with a temperature of 80ËšC. The piping system requires an allowable span calculation, and a sustained load using computer analysis. The analysis was carried out to maintain the piping system to operate safely in accordance with ASME B31.1 Standards. The stress analysis in this thesis focuses on 2 designs namely the existing design and re-design where the existing design has 5 support while the re-design has 3 support and both analyse sustained loads which include axial stress, bending tension and bending stress. To find out these calculations using CAESAR II software so that the voltage value can be determined based on ASME B31.1 The results obtained from this analysis compare the existing stress and re-design. in the existing design there is the highest sustained load that occurs at node 120 of 6443.8 lb / in2, whereas in the re-design the highest sustained load stress occurs at node 80 of 15637.8 lb / in2.
