Desain Pipeline sebagai Media Transmisi Air pada Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum dari Sidoarjo hingga Gresik

  • Nur Wahyu Hilal Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Projek Priyonggo Sumangun Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Benedicta Dian Alfanda Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Drinking Water Supply System, Pipeline Design, Pump Head, Stress Analysis, WaterCAD


Because population is increasing, water supply efforts will be made through the Drinking Water Supply System project. Therefore, the author will determine the media of water transmission with a debit 3020 l/s. Activities undertaken include designing pipelines and conducting hydraulic analysis. Results of the pipeline design given 3 segments aboveground, and after being calculated manually obtained the value of the maximum allowable pipe span is 3.5 meters for the pipe segment of KPA 66+050 with a longitudinal stress 20482.26 psi. Whereas in the pipe bridge segment of Gunungsari river and Kedurus river, the values of the maximum allowable pipe span is 3.3 meters with a longitudinal stress 15880.55 psi. Both of these longitudinal stress values still meet ASME B31.4 criteria, which is 28000 psi. From length of pipelines is 43523.5 meters, the resulting pump head is 122.9 meters, so that centrifugal pump type of Grundfos LS 400-350-397B-1F2BABBVP1 be selected. Based on hydraulics analysis using WaterCAD, obtained several variables such as flow supplied and flow demand values provided according to the provisions,then fluid velocity and pressure not exceed the limit. So based on this simulations, can be published that the pipeline planning of Drinking Water Supply System can work well.
