Desain Expaaansion Loop Pada Line 07/AFC/AEI/-LND/C-18.0127/ 004 Untuk Proses Molecular Sieve Adsorber Di Perusahaan Gas

  • Ardenza Dicha Iswara Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Heroe Poernomo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Pekik Mahardhika Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Molecular Sieve Adsorber, Displacement, Expansion Loop, Sustain Load, Occasional Load


Abstract - Molecular sieve adsorber (MSA) system on gas industry is most important in the run of production. Displacment on piping network at MSA system mostly cuased by thermal expansion, where the operating pressure and temperature is high. As happenend on line 07/AFC/AEI/-LND/C-18.0127/004 that tranfered gas from heat exchanger to sliencer which displacement on piping sytem and failure on support. Redesign should be done with add expansion loop on piping system, there is three type that analyzed horizontal loop, threedimensional loop, and z bend loop. The analysis is find the effective design based on expansion load, sustain load, occasional load, pressure drop, and cost. From analysis, the effective design is horizontal loop with value of expansion load is 4020 psi, sustain load 10478 psi, occasional load 8554 psi, pressure drop 0.14 psi, and cost Rp. 120,202,460.00. With the result of analysis and calculation on above, company can minimize potential of displacement on piping system in the next maintenance for stability of production.

