Perancangan Rescue Boat Berbahan Komposit untuk Penyelamatan Bencana Banjir

  • admin CONAE
  • Rahayu Nur 'Aisyah
Keywords: rescue boat, flood, sandwich composite.


According to BNPB, floods are the most common natural disaster in Indonesia in 2022.

Therefore, sandwich composite flood rescue boat is needed. The main dimensions of this rescue boat is

obtained from trial and error method resulting in L:6m, B:2 m, H:1 m, T:0.25m and Vs:13 knots. After

designing two hull models with the same main size, resistance analysis is carried out using Maxsurf

Resistance software. Based on this analysis, the pram hull model was chosen because the resistance of

the pram hull model is smaller at 3 knots and just need 85 HP engine. Meanwhile the boxy hull model

has a resistance at 5.1 knots and need 150 HP engine. The construction thickness that meets the

thickness requirements of the sandwich composite, the DWT is 0.630 tons and the LWT is 0.562 tons.

The results of the stability calculation with reference to the IMO A.749(18) regulation, on the full

loadcase and empty loadcase have met the requirements. Based on the calculations, the estimated cost

of building a rescue boat is IDR 136,016,142.00. The design of the 3D rescue boat model was made

using Sketch-Up software and made a miniature rescue boat.
