Rancang Bangun Mesin Crusher Plastik

  • Muhammad Nur Aslam
  • Mohammad Miftachul Munir
  • Rizal Indrawan
Keywords: Limbah plastik, Pencacah plastik, Reverse engineering, Machine elements


In this modern era the plastic waste is a waste that is very difficult to recycle because the
decompotion of waste plastic is very difficult, and also the decompotion of waste plastic need a long
time. There are many types of plastic that we use everyday such as plastic bag for food or for bring a
cup of tea and etc with cheaper price and you can get the pastic bag in every shop or minimarket in
Indonesia makes the plastic waste is the most waste produced from house hold and the others.
Therefore we need some ways or method to reduce the plastic waste by making a crusher plastic
machine. There are many materials used to make crusher plastic machine. Start from frame of
machine and stand frame of diesel motor are use U profile with material ASTM A36. ST42 are used
for tub crusher, pulley, 2 fly wheel, stand of knife, fly wheel cover, top hopper, bottom hopper. ASTM
A36 material is used for key of spindle. HSS material is used for knife crusher plastic machine. 3 Vbelt
with rubber canvas material is used for move spindle crusher plastic machine. The method used
to make this machine is reverse engineering which is compare to another crusher plastic machine
that has been sold in. The advantages from this machine is cheaper than another cursher plastic
machine in market, have low power, can slice or crush plastic until 50 kg/h, and dimension of plastic
that has been sliced is 16 mm or 1,6 cm wich is smaller and smoother than another crusher plastic
machine in market. Type of the plastic that can be sliced by using this machine is polypropylene
because polypropylene has more benefit in economic. The price of polypropylene which sliced is
more expensive than the other type of plastic and the knife of this machine will blunt faster if slicing
or crushing another type of plastic
