Rancang bangun Dua Sistem untuk Vakum dan Kompresi dalam Satu Alat yang Digunakan untuk Vacuum Infusion pada Laminasi Kapal Fiber

  • Aristi Hanifah Fauziyyah
  • Heroe Poernomo
  • Gaguk Suhardjito
Keywords: vacuum infusion, compressor, pressure


The method of working vacuum infusion in the shipyard in Indonesia has not been
maximally. Due to the large number of equipment required, resulting in shipyard owners still using
hand lay-up methods in the process. But in fact the vacuum infunsion method has many advantages
among lighter and stronger ships, from the cost-savings due to fewer labor costs, faster execution
time. In analyzing the above problems using several stages of research and testing. In this study
includes the required specifications for the suction speed used in the vacuum pump. While in the
testing phase is in the test whether the compressor can function in vacuum and compression. Based
on the result of the final assignment study entitled the design of two systems for vacuum and
compression in a tool used for vacuum infusion in the fiber vessel lamination process resulted in that
the compressor can be used for compression and vacuum but can not be used simultaneously should
switch between its use between vacuum and compression. While the pressure generated by the
compressor for vacuum infusion is - 0.077 bar.
