Pengukuran Tingkat Ketidaksesuaian Ketebalan Dinding Galon (Jugs) Melalui Pendekatan Statistical Process Control (SPC)

  • Daisykarenas Siwi
  • Anda Iviana Juniani
  • Wiediartini Wiediartini
Keywords: Analisis Kemampuan Proses, Statistical Process Control (SPC)


Quality is one of the important things that consumers consider in choosing the product
they will use. The high level mismatch of gallon wall thickness that occurred as of December 2017 to
meet the specifications reached 80,87% at point A0; 0,007% at point A1; 91,6% at point A2; 2,39%
at point A3; 98,4% at point A4; 92,03% at point C0; 10,35% at point C1; 36,65% at point C2;
30,67% at point C3; and 96,81% at point C4. So quality must be maintained as an effort to attract the
attentionof consumers and consumer interest in using gallons from this plastic packaging industry. To
analyze the quality of gallons used the SPC approach and process capability analysis. After analyzing
the process production of gallon through the SPC approach using the I-MR control chart there are
still many points out of control at any point observation that isA0, A1, A2, A3, A4, C0, C1, C2, C3,
and C4. Process capability analysis also shows that there is a process that is said to be improper (Cp
<1,00) must be repaired even though the process is perfect and unable to meet the specified thickness
specifications (Cpk <1,00) indicates the accuracy of the process is less which means it needs to be
done improvement by find the root cause of the problem.
